Let us be your GDPR Representative
If you provide (online) goods and services to people in the EU but do not have offices or a corporate seat in an EU member state, you are required by the GDPR to appoint a local representative that acts on your behalf for all privacy and data protection matters.
We are fully equipped to provide your organization with a full range of professional services and software so that you can meet this important GDPR requirement.
GDPR compliance that fits your organization, that's what we do.
Let us be your GDPR Representative
If you provide (online) goods and services to people in the EU but do not have offices or a corporate seat in an EU member state, you are required by the GDPR to appoint a local representative that acts on your behalf for all privacy and data protection matters.
We are fully equipped to provide your organization with a full range of professional services and software so that you can meet this important GDPR requirement.
Privacy that fits your organization, that's what we do.

do you wonder whether the GDPR applies to your organization?
The GDPR requires the following organizations to appoint a formal representative that can act on their behalf:
organizations located outside the EU that have no offices or presence in the EUthat offer (online) goods or services to persons residing in the EU, or
that monitor the behavior of individuals in the EU
privacy valley representative services
why is this your privacy solution?

services that fit your organization’s needs
Representative packages for all types of organizations.

software assisted accountability
Includes access to powerful privacy management software that demonstrates GDPR compliance (Saas).

accelerator toolkit included
Your privacy expert has access to our extensive library of up-to-date guidance, templates and checklists in the Accelerator Toolkit. You never pay for things that we have already developed.
how does it work?

representative service
GDPR representation (art. 27 GPR)
Privacy Valley can provide GDPR compliance by acting as your administrative point of contact for EU privacy authorities and data subjects in relation to privacy matters.
GDPR privacy experts
English, Dutch, German and Italian native speakers will assist your organization to comply with the GDPR, handle customer requests or complaints and assist in responding to queries by privacy authorities, special interest groups and law firms.
maintaining your data repository
Privacy Valley will administer its representation services as required by GDPR. In addition, we offer privacy management software as a standard feature for Representative services.

includes privacy management software
Our privacy management software as a service allows your organization to monitor the Representative Services. Have real time access to and control over our handling of:
Information requests by your customers or website users (Data Subject Requests)
Risk assessments regarding the way your organization processes personal data (DPIA)
Submission of data requested by EU Privacy Authorities

do you first want to know where your organization stands and what the biggest privacy issues are?
Our free and fast GDPR quickscan reveals your current privacy maturity in 30 questions. Know which steps your organization need to take to bring data protection to an acceptable level.
request your GDPR quickscan here »