get privacy
DPO services - GDPR Representation - privacy management software

business solutions for privacy matters
DPO services - GDPR representation - GDPR Roadmap

complete privacy solution

DPO as a Service
GDPR compliant with your own outsourced privacy expert (DPO)
realtime access and control via online privacy software
Your DPO takes you step by step towards an adequate GDPR level
privacy representation within the EU

GDPR Representative Service
your official contact for privacy matters
monitor GDPR topics realtime via our software
meet GDPR requirements when not having an EU office
product information

how we work
free of charge GDPR compliance plan
intuitive checklists and privacy registers
the law and our guidance explained in clear language
complete privacy solution

DPO as a Service
GDPR compliant with your own outsourced privacy expert (DPO)
realtime access and control via online privacy software
Your DPO takes a step by step approach towards an adequate GDPR level
privacy representation within the EU

GDPR Representative Service
your official contact for privacy matters
monitor GDPR topics realtime via our software
meet GDPR requirements when not having an EU office
product information

how we work
free of charge GDPR compliance plan
intuitive checklists and privacy registers
the law and our guidance explained in clear language
get privacy, try our privacy management software for free

first want to know your organization's privacy compliance level?
Answer 30 questions of our GDPR Quickscan and receive your free report which tells what your organization needs to do to achieve an acceptable GDPR standard.